Episode 42.5 - A Candid Discussion With J.W. Sims

This is a candid discussion with J.W. Sims that was cut from the final episode. J.W. Sims has had a tough couple of years: he was diagnosed with cancer, and had to deal with several personal losses. I didn’t know this when going into the interview with him, and our talk took a small detour discussing those issues.

I’m sharing this mostly unedited because, even though we are comic creators, above all we are HUMAN, and oftentimes this is information that wouldn’t be shared.

I am sharing this in the hopes that, if you need to hear one of the many messages in this conversation, you hear it. And know that if you are in a bad place, there is help.

Episode 42 - What Happens When a Comic Book Geek Gains Superpowers? (with Omni artist J.W. Sims)

This week, I’m talking with comic book artist and colorist J.W. Sims, colorist of Broke Down and Four Dead Bodies. He’s also the owner of Hooligan Alley Comics, publishing books like Darkest Night and Project 34.

In latest work, Omni #1, we find out what happens when comic book geek Floyd Miller gains superpowers, and models himself after his favorite fictional superhero, Mega.

Omni #1 is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER through 1/28/21. Go support it HERE!


Omni #1 Kickstarter - www.kickstarter.com/projects/hooliganalleycomics1/omni-1

Hooligan Alley Comics’ Website - www.hooliganalleycomics.com


Facebook - @TheHooliganAlleyComics

Twitter - @JWSims34

Instagram - @HooliganAlley_Comics