Episode 37 - The Trials of Starting Your Own Comic Publisher (with Shaun Keenan of Comics2Movies)

In this episode, Under the Mask Podcast is heading Down Under, and talking with an award-winning comic writer and creator, and the director of Australian-based publisher Comics2Movies. Shaun Keenan’s book, XCT, recently won “Best Comic” at the AFIN International Film Festival.

He’s launching a brand new book, Talos of Sparta, and we’re talking about the trials and tribulations of balancing a writing career while also starting up a publishing house.

My only regret is Shaun never once said “Crickey” in the entire episode…

Talos of Sparta is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER through 11/29/20. You can support it HERE!



Talos of Sparta Kickstarter Campaign - www.kickstarter.com/projects/2067957354/talos-of-sparta

Comics 2 Movies Website - www.comics2movies.com.au


Facebook - @Comics2Movies

Twitter - @comics_2_movies

Instagram - @comics2movies