Episode 17 - Tips and Tricks from a Writer With 20 Years of Professional Experience (With Nick Macari)

This week, I’m talking with Nick Macari. Nick is a freelance story consultant, developmental editor, narrative designer, and writer - and he’s been doing this for over 20 years. As you’d expect, Nick has a TON of experience helping others make the best books they possibly can. I had the chance to pick his brain for about an hour, and this episode is full of practical tips and tricks to up your creative game.

Nick’s most recent work, PEERLESS, is a dark fantasy martial arts comic packed to the brim with all-out action. It’s also live on Kickstarter through 8/10/2020.

Go show some support for Peerless HERE: www.peerlesskungfucomic.com

Nick’s Website - www.nickmacari.com

Want to Level Up Your Storytelling?! Check out his professional workshop for writing and story development: www.storytoscript.com